This post has been a long time coming. I absolutely adore fashion blogs and in fact, this little space on the internet started out as just that and the first part of it's name (studs) came from a pair of beautiful studded shorts I picked up all those years ago. It's something I've wanted to bring back for the many years I haven't been doing it, and in fact, I think there were probably many times that I said I would but something would always get in the way and I just didn't.
Don't get me wrong, there have been a few appearances in the past few years. The Next Mother's Day post most notably but it hasn't been a regular occurrence since the days I used my parents spare room, a tripod and remote control to take posey outfit pictures against that plain white wall. If you go back far enough, you'll see what I mean.
I adore reading fashion blogs, in fact, some are my favourite blogs/vlogs/bloggers of all time, ahem Megan Ellaby I'm looking at you. Your style and images totally rock my world - and best of all, inspired me to create great content. I studied photography at University and so I wanted my content to be the best it could be, if I did finally seize the day and get back on the fashion blogger bandwagon.
All these years later, I grouped together with my absolute favourite Holly Rose Stones. She takes the most beautiful images and I was so excited to finally create something together, years after we first talked about it.

I am very much an outfit repeater, and this outfit or very similar has been my go-to for a long time. I'm forever matching a casual tee with leather jacket, jeans/skirt/plisse trousers and boots or trainers. It's comfortable and I absolutely adore the casual look of it.
The day before I shot these with Holly, I popped into a launch event with Garnier and I found out all about their new #SkinActivist campaign, the new launches and they gave me this super cute tee with the hashtag on it. I fell in love and I just had to wear it right away. I have an ever growing collection of t-shirts. Most are either vintage or band tees but I love it when they remind you of something and this one does just that. I'll be giving the new launches a go asap so I'm sure you'll see them featured on here soon.

Leather Jacket - All Saints
T-Shirt - Garnier for their #SkinActivist campaign but check out Rokit for similar tee's (if in doubt, go vintage)
Black Plisse Trousers - Topshop
Layering Chokers - Urban Outfitters
Bag - Village England

I absolutely adored shooting with Holly and I'm so excited to be getting back into fashion on here. Let me know if there's anything specific you'd like to see!
Check out Holly's photography portfolio here and wedding portfolio here. Follow Holly @hollyrosestones and on YouTube here.
Lorna x
You look AMAZING babe <3 xxx
These photos are gorgeous! Holly looks like an amazing photographer and you look absolutely stunning! xx