Shirt - Topshop Jeans - Primark Boots - Topshop Bag - Accessorize Rings - All Topshop Necklace - Topshop
Lipstick - Elf Matte Lip Colour in Tea Rose

I didn't really do that much today, popped into college to give some of my lecturers wine and chocolates as a thank you. Still can't believe I've left it there after being there for 3 years now!
Felt like wearing something slightly brighter than usual. I really love this shirt. I'm not usually the biggest fan of pink but lately any super bright or neon shade and I'm in love!
I love wearing rings so much but my trouble is generally my fingers are too small to fit any on and so can usually only wear them on the fingers in the picture. What I'd do for some smaller rings!
I bought this handbag to take as my carry on for when I go on holiday next week. I'm off to Zante with my best friend for a week next Thursday. Excited doesn't begin to cover it! The thought of getting away from this horrid weather is amazing. I have planned most of my outfits for when I'm away and am thinking of taking some outfit pictures of each outfit when I'm home and letting you see what I wear when I'm away. Will also make sure to show you plenty of other pictures too and keep you updated and so I might be a little short on posts while I'm away but I'm trying my best to make sure I've got some scheduled to go up while I'm gone.
Is there anything you'd like to see in relation to my holiday? Make up/wash bag? OOTDS? Let me know!
Love how your jewelry is dainty and feminine but bold at the same time. Great look!
LOVE that bag! x